This is how I feel most days! It always seems no matter how hard I try to keep the house clean, the floors swept and the laundry done it never really gets done. Trying to play with Chandler in a dirty cluttered house is torture, most days he just plays in his crib while I try to clean (ya I am kind of a bad mom). So this is my question to all of you domestic goddesses who always have clean homes, swept floors and clothes to wear; How do you do it? What are some of your secrets for staying organized, keeping up on the laundry, making sure the house is clean and having enough time to play with you kids, relax and do other things ? Also any ideas for getting a bathtub really white and shiny? Our tub is so gross, it doesn't matter how hard I scrub it always looks grey. Any suggestions would help!
A Slow Cooker Thanksgiving
3 months ago
Chill Pumpkin...and enjoy that little boy and goofy husband. A day will come when their all grown up... then you can scrub the white into that tub! We are more impressed with your abilities of being a great mom, than a spit shine maid! Love you Auntie Kim
I don't think their's a real answer to this one! I've tried to figure it out...but I think as we grow older it just becomes more natural! Somedays I try to clean up once Owen's gone to bed, but I'm usually exhausted by that time! Just don't get too hard on yourself...if you want to feel better, stop by my house in the middle of the usually looks like a bomb went off!!
I know exactly how you feel! I get that way a lot of the time, and you know what, the most you can do is just keep up with it I figure. What I do is try not to let it all stack up, but you have to know that it's not always that way, life is never ALWAYS organized, I don't care how organized of a person you are. Take it as it comes and when David is home, shove Chandler on him and clean like mad! THat's what I do sometimes, that way Cambri gets to spend quality time with her daddy and I get a clean house! :o) Your kids are more important than a clean house, but you sound like me, I do enjoy having a clean house for my kid to crawl and walk around in. About the tub, I love kaboom, it cleans everything! Take my word from an old college experience where I moved in with a roomate and she NEVER cleaned her tub, ever! Mold and every kind of mildew and gunk you can imagine. Try it you'll love it! If not, soft scrub with bleach is great too. I hope this helps, it's long enough, sorry! Most of my cleaning gets done when Cambri goes down for a nap or goes to bed at night. You'll make it love.
So, I use Kaboom on our bathtub. It works really well but it gets really expensive because you go through half a bottle on our gross tubs. But it is nice to know you can get it really clean, once at least!
Well, I've just officially stopped trying. I try to at least keep the entryway and living room clean. But if anyone were to venture upstairs....YIKES!! And I know it's time to get the laundry going when we have no underwear. I'll have to try Kaboom. I love Shower Power as well....but they don't sell it here. I also have the tub problem.
I know exactly how you are feeling. I try to clean my house as well. The best time to get a lot of things done through out the day is to do it when they are taking there naps or nap. You just clean really fast and hope to get the things done that you want. That is what I do during my days. Are tub is the same way. I scrub and scrub and it still looks dirty. But what does help is the Lysol toilet bowl cleaner. You just squirt that in there and scrub and it seems to get it a little cleaner then it was before. Oh! One question for you. How did you get your music on your blog. I got my music picked out but can't seem to get it onto the blog? We also need to hang out some time. Jessie Cushing Wing asked about you. Take care! Give me a call sometime.
Love ya,
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