Thursday, May 23, 2013

Chickens, again.

We did it again! Right now we have 7 chickens in our backyard.  One is a rooster so he will have to go soon.  I don't think the neighbors will appreciate him. 
We haven't named them for fear we may have to eat one.  This is our Rhode Island Red hen.  She is a loaner who prefers to be by herself.
All the ladies.
Our Plymouth Rock  (black and white) and Black Sex link.  The black one is just like Sally and Jessie!

Our rooster.  We had to get this chicken.  It was the cutest baby chick you have ever seen.
The Buff Orphington.  Her name is fluffy.  I guess I lied about not naming them.

These pictures are from Easter.  Brinlee is our chicken whisperer. Seriously that girl has a way with them.
This little one couldn't find her way back to the coop.
Brin was a little nervous but talked to her and picked her up.

Held her ever so gently and put her with her friends.
I love this picture!  So sweet.


Marcia said...

Brinlee is pretty brave with those foul creatures!
Why did the rooster cross the road?
He wanted to impress the chicks!