Thursday, January 3, 2013

2012 Black Style

2012 was probably the most difficult year we have had as a couple.  There were many "growing" up experiences this last year.  We are stronger for them and great full for the blessing we have received.  

 Chandler Kline:

-Turned 5!  Can you believe it?  Neither can I.
-Graduated preschool.
-Rode his bike
-Played and played outside.
-Started kindergarten and loves it!
-Is learning to read.
-Misses our house in Layton (mostly his friends).
-Is a fantastic little helper around the house.
 Brinlee Rae:
- Turned 3!
-Learning her letters and their sounds.
-Became a big sister!
-Made lots of new friends.
-Talked, talked, and talked some more.
-Missing her favorite Sister Kilpack
 Preston Jeffrey:
-Attempted to kill mom in the womb.
-Was born!
-Gained weight (he was really little).
-Smiles all day
- And wait for it.......sleeps through the night!
 Ronni Brin:
-Got a kidney stone resulting in 3 separate surgeries while pregnant.
-Caught up on her TV while laying in a hospital bed.
-Survived 2 moves while pregnant.
-Made new friends fast in Vernal
-Missed/misses everyone from Layton
-Had a baby!

David Kline:
-Got a promotion as a store manager for the Vernal Walgreens.
-Trained for the Ragnar Wasatch back relay, but couldn't participate because of the move.
-Went deer hunting
-Survived his first Christmas as a manager
-Showed us all just how awesome he really is!

As a family we:
-Fixed up and sold our home in Layton
-Moved to Vernal, UT
-Attended 4 different wards
-Learned to rely on the help of others
-Purchased a new home
-Checked out everything the Vernal area has to offer. We are going to love this place!
-Said goodbye to our friends in Layton and made new friends in Vernal
-Got in a car accident (watched the car in front of us get hit head on)

2012 is a year I would be more than happy to not repeat.  We had many trials and were blessed in so many ways.  David although he might not agree had the best year.  He also showed us all how much he loves us and what a great dad and priesthood holder he really is!  If anything 2012 was the year that reminded me why I married that man.

In 2013 we hope to:
-Have no surgery
-Camp, fish, hike and cookout on the mountain.
-See family in the valley
-River raft?
-Enjoy life!
-A vacation? To where we don't know.
-Make up for all the things we wanted to do last year.


Lori and Brent said...

Quite a year, I'm sorry that at times it was rough. Many great things though:) I love your hair in the picture Ronni! When you guys want visitors for river rafting just let us know. I am glad that your blogging again.

Marcia said...

Beautiful! Loved your thoughts Ronni.

Mike and Emily Black Fam said...

what a good post! I love the reflective 2012 posts. You guys went through so much and will be better because of it! way to go!