Vernal is the place for our little family! We have been on an adventure every weekend since it has been warm. Today we hiked to the McConkie Ranch Petroglyphs. It was about a 2 mile round trip hike that was just the right length for 3 little kids.
Top Right: Brin being sassy as can be.
Bottom Left: Chandler our "trail leader" and Brin his assistant to the trail leader.
At the beginning of the trail was a large bucket with walking sticks. Chandler decided he needed one and that since he had one he was the leader. It was nice. There were many snack and drink breaks, he made sure we walked safely and even made sure we could all fit through some of the tight spots.
Preston is a good little hiker. So happy and adorable. He is David's mini-me.
Trail leader and his assistant.
The petroglyphs were much different than the ones we have seen in Blanding. They are Fremont Indian drawings and are very old. So old that a lot of them are really hard to see. I darkened the photos so it is easier to see them.
The assistant looking to make sure the trail leader was on the right path.
This one must be representing a God. It has a crown on its head and a very well defined face.
They made perfect circles.
These petroglyphs are famous for the 3 Kings that have been carved. In this one the carvings were very tall, some taller than David.
Very detailed images. The ones we are use to are more like stick figures.
The twins. Notice how their legs are well defined.
This one is hard to see but it is a man fighting a bear.

We had a great time! Come out and see all of the fun places Vernal has to offer. Don't for get about us though. :)