Saturday, October 10, 2009


Brinlee is now three weeks old and is fitting in with our family perfectly. Chandler still likes her and is always wanting to hold and give her kisses. Life with two kids has been a little bit of an adjustment but we are all getting use to this new routine (as if we had one before now). Dave has been back to work for four days now and we are still surviving. The house is messy and our dinners consist mostly of breakfast and stuff out of a box. It has only been three weeks so I am not really pushing myself to hard. Although I started going to the gym this week and my legs are pretty sore. Oh well I did just have a baby, did I think I was going to be able to run a marathon?

Still not sure what to do with Chandler all day long. Sometimes I wonder if I am cut out for this stay at home mom thing. I mean don't get me wrong I love it and would never ever want to go to work, I just don't know what to do with little kids all day. If any of you have good ideas/websites or anything like that pass the info on.

Pretty cute kids don't you think?


The Rasmussen Family said...

They are both so cute! One thing that really helped me when baby #2 came home, was having Dawson involved in the chores. Even if he'll sit and "fold" clothes with you... a fantastic website is and also They have games for all ages. And have no've made it past the worst part, I think the first 2 weeks are the toughest. Keep loving them, kissing them and holding them and things will get easier each day!

Brook said...

She is so chubby, I love it!! I hope they are both being good for you. Take it easy for a long time. Why rush? Her hair is so dark (and thick)! She's a cute one!

jessica said...

She is SO cute! I love all that hair! I can't believe you have two kids!

Clayton & Kim said...

Pumpkin...enjoy every moment, they go so by so quickly. Stop worrying your little self, your a grrreat mom! Give my little friends a big squeeze for me!

Aaron and Megan said...

Too cute Ronni, it is a big adjustment having 2 kids and trying to entertain the older one while meeting the needs of a newborn. So worth the sacrafices.

DuncanAndCandice said...

Your baby girl is beautiful!!! Reading your blog I bet you are an amazing stay home mom...