Sunday, May 24, 2009


Last Thursday the 14th we packed up the van and headed to Blanding. We went down so David and my Dad could go turkey hunting. It was an unsuccessful hunt due to the "alien wizard turkeys from hell", according to my Dad. Other than that it was quite the exciting adventure. They saw a cougar, some bull elk, some coyotes, a bald eagle and a few turkeys. Tyler came down with us and helped entertain Chandler on the long ride. He and Chandler are now good buddies, they played all day long together. David and his Dad went on a few four wheeler rides and saw some ruins and dinosaur bones.

We celebrated our anniversary by inhaling a Sheepherders sandwich from Twin Rocks. We also went to the tower where we got engaged and gave each other a new turquoise ring. It was very romantic.
Grandma and Grandpa played with the kiddos and took them to the park, the dinosaur museum, out for snow cones, and let mommy relax. It was a great vacation.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Guess what?

It's a GIRL!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Floating Head?

We love bath time!

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Cowboy Kline

Chandler has really been into the horse/cowboy thing lately. For his birthday he got the movie Spirit, besides knowing the words to most of the songs he loves horses. All of the books we get at the library are about horses and cowboys.
Since he has started loving horses everyone that will let him climb on their back becomes his own personal horse. Daddy is the best!
Here is Chandler sporting Daddy's gardening hat, and mom's cowboy vest from her days of pink boots and riding Goldbar (I think the vest originally belonged to one of my parents). Pretty cute don't you think?

Chandler screams and giggles the entire time. It is pretty cute. We have started calling him Cowboy Kline. His dad was know as this when he was little and since Chandler has the same blond hair, dimples and love of all things western we decided this would be a great name for our little guy.

Taming the wild stallion.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

4 years already?

July 4th, 2007

May 6th, 2005

After I received my endowments, Monticello Temple.


First Year Anniversary.

We will be celebrating our four year anniversary tomorrow. It is crazy that we have been married this long. It seems like only yesterday we tied the knot. I didn't know when I married David that I was getting the entire package deal. Let me tell you why I love the guy. He is a hard worker, he is freaking hilarious, he puts up with my craziness, he helps out around the house, he is a worthy priesthood holder, he loves the goo goo dolls as much as I do, at the most random times he will break out a Michael Jackson song (the entire song), he understands my humor, he loves Chandler more than anything in the entire world and he is the sexiest guy I know. Now those are not all the reasons but I don't want you all to be jealous of me. =)
Love you Daver!

Saturday, May 2, 2009


So yesterday while improving the weeds and dirt we noticed we hadn't seen the mama bird for a while (like a week). We think she was eaten by the neighbors cat or left the nest cause the eggs were bad. We took the nest out of the light and there were four blue eggs (they were cracked, but the babies were no where near ready). We threw the nest away and are a little sad that she is gone but I am sure we will get over it.

Friday, May 1, 2009

I love to see the Temple.

Yesterday my best friend Brooke and her true love were married in the Salt Lake Temple. It was so great to be part of such a special event. She looked absolutely beautiful and was SO happy. We were so excited for the love birds.
Since the pictures came up backwards I will tell you about the dinner first. Brooke decided not to have a reception and just had a dinner. We went to La Caille and it was amazing. Our delicious main dish, chicken something. SO GOOD!

This was on our table when we first sat down. Is it not the cutest thing you have ever seen? It was also very yummy.

This is her cake. IT WAS AMAZING!

At the Temple every tulip was in bloom. It was so beautiful, we were so inspired we decided to buy a lawn mower and make the weeds look nice.

The happy couple, this was the only picture I got of them =(.

Chandler trying not to pick the flowers (don't worry he did pick some).

It was such a great day to be at the Temple with friends and our little family. If you haven't been to Temple Square yet you need to go, it is amazing.