So I looked outside this morning and it was spooky. It is really rainy and foggy, and Chandler couldn't figure out why we were awake while it was so dark out (he would keep looking out the window and saying "Mamma?") he is silly. Don't worry though it was really almost 9, we slept late this morning due to the 24 hour flu at our house. Wednesday night I didn't sleep a wink, I was sooooo sick (and will probably never be able to eat taco soup again). Being sure I was going to die I asked Emily if she would watch Chandler for a little while and do you know what that lady did? She took him all day until David came home from work! Emily is the greatest, plus am pretty sure she has a superwoman suit under he clothes. So I had to give her a shout out!
Today we go for our final walk through on the house. We close Monday and are really excited, I already have every room painted and decorated in my head. Chandler knows something is up, he watches me while I pack up boxes and asks "What's this?" I tell him we are going to our new house and he runs away. Hopefully we will ajust quickly, I am possitive he will be missing all of the kids and be bored out of his little mind with his mom. I don't know if I told you but the house is in Layton.
Chandler is doing really well, he had the flu a few days ago but hasen't been too sick the rest of the winter. He is starting to say all sorts of word and ask questions about everything. Some words he says are: Dadda, Mamma, TyTy(tyler), Biggy(Brigham), Kaye, Pappa, Ball, Cheese, Please, Nanna (Banana), What's This, Why, Showa (shower), Nigh Nigh(good night), Car, You serious(it dosen't sound like that but I know that is what her is saying, it is funny). Those are only some that I can think of right now but he is saying new words everyday. He is super silly and giggles all day. He loves to play with cars, color, watch the Imagination Movers, play with the cats and love love loves his daddy!
David is good, he is loving working for Walgreens and is excited to start work on our new home.
I have just been packing and mostly organinzing and decorating our house in my head. Because of my obsession with head organinzing/decorating all I do is watch HGTV and look online at decor websites(it is sick ).
We are doing great and are excited for new things to come.
Friday, January 23, 2009
Posted by The Blacks at 8:36 AM 6 comments
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Christmas, The New Year, and BIG news!
Since my pictures came up the wrong way I will start with the BIG news. We put an offer on this little beauty and it was excepted! This is a 3 bedroom 1 bath home and we will hopefully be closing the 30th of this month and are excited to be living in our own home. We are however pretty sad to be leaving the fantastic home of Mike and Emily. They have been so great in letting us live with them for these last few months and we are SOOOOO thankful to them. We will let you all know how everything goes and hopefully things go as planned. We had a pretty relaxed New Year. We had a yummy dinner of Tiny Spicy Chicken and watched Horton Hears a Who (which is super funny). We went to bed around 11 because David had to work at 6 the next day and just relaxed all day on the 1st.
Posted by The Blacks at 8:36 PM 9 comments
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Christmas 2008 coming soon.
Posted by The Blacks at 5:09 PM 3 comments